The Rules
By participating in the World Naked Bike Ride events, you agree to observe and abide by the following:
1. You must behave appropriately.
This is a "World Naked Bike Ride" and clothing is optional (except for the mandatory cycle helmet). You should also wear shoes for safety and comfort.
Simply being naked in public is not illegal in New Zealand and you should not be arrested simply for being nude on this protest. However, your behaviour must be scrupulous and you must be careful not to do anything that can be taken as a lewd or sexual act, nor must you deliberately antagonise anyone or cause an obstruction. There are three statutes you should be aware of:
1. Summary Offences Act 1981: Section 27: Indecent exposure. You can be charged under this law if you expose yourself in an obscene manner. Simply being naked does not satisfy this charge.
2. Summary Offences Act 1981: Section 4: Offensive behaviour or language. You can be charged under this law if you act in an offensive manner towards anyone, or use offensive language. The Courts have determined that the legal definition of "offensive" was not met by mere nakedness, even in the presence of school children. But be particularly careful not to retaliate if some spectator shouts abuse as you ride past.
3. Crimes Act, 1961: Section 125: Indecent act in public place. You can be charged under this law if you do an indecent act. Generally speaking, this would be of a sexual nature. Again, merely being naked is not an act and would not satisfy this charge.
Details of the ride are registered with Waihi police in advance and we have invited them to be present for the event. Don’t act offensively and you will not be arrested. Hauraki Naturally and WNBRNZ have a zero tolerance of overtly sexual or obscene behaviour. We will have no hesitation reporting such behaviour to the police.
2. Children
This is a family event and is open to people of all ages. Children old enough to be proficient riders may ride their own bikes. Younger children may be carried in approved child seats or bicycle trailers.
Claims that nudity is harmful to children are simply without foundation. In fact, evidence suggests that nudity is beneficial for children as it normalizes the human body, removes the false connections with sex, and promotes a positive self-image.
What you allow your child to wear or not to wear on the ride is your decision. However, bear in mind that there will be bystanders with cameras along the route and we have no control over what people do with their photos. You might decide it better for your child to wear a fun costume for the ride.
Some common-sense advice:
The parent or guardian should accompany the child at all times.
The health and safety of a child must be a priority for the parent or guardian.
Bicycles should have proper safe seating and be ridden in a safe manner.
Children with their own bicycles need to be sufficiently proficient for the streets of Waihi Beach.
3. Covid-19
At present there are no mandatory requirements for you to observe to partake in the WNBR events. However, if the pandemic situation changes in the period up to the event, you must agree to any government restrictions imposed.
Bear in mind that you may be come into close contact with people you don't know at the start / finish area. We strongly recommend you take whatever precautions appropriate to keep yourself and your children safe. Face masks are a good idea - they also help to conceal your identity from random photographers during the event.
If you are unwell with cold or flu-like symptoms, you should not attend this event.
4. Your vehicle
You may ride a bicycle, trike, or e-bike.
This is a naked bike ride. It is NOT for skateboards, roller blades, or scooters, Nor is it a running or jogging event
5. You must obey the road rules.
The Land Transport Act 1998 defines vehicles to include bikes, and says ‘A person may not drive a vehicle, or cause a vehicle to be driven, carelessly or without reasonable consideration for other persons’.
You must:
• obey give way rules, road signs and markings,
• use hand signals,
• keep left when it is safe, but leave plenty of room when passing parked cars,
• ride with no more than two riders side-by-side,
• not ride while distracted or impaired - no cell phones, or loud music through earphones!
• not ride on footpaths (exceptions apply - e.g. through the park where the path is designated for both cyclists and pedestrians).
You and any children accompanying you must be proficient cyclists. Ride defensively. There will be a vehicle at the rear of the group warning motorists of cyclists ahead, but it is your responsibility to be aware of hazards and to look after your safety, especially that of any children with you. Neither WNBRNZ nor Hauraki Naturally will be held responsible for any cycling mishaps!
You must wear a bike helmet:
Your helmet must be a cycling helmet and it must fit properly and be secured.
Any child you are carrying in a designed child seat or cycle trailer must also wear a helmet.
A bike helmet will only protect your head once. If it is dropped or involved in a crash it should be replaced.
Your bike must be roadworthy:
Your bike must have good front and rear brakes.
Check wheel bearings: Grip the top of each wheel and check for side-to-side movement. Tighten or replace bearings if play is detected.
Check crank and pedal bearings; check crank arms are secure to the crankshaft.
Check steering bearings: Stand by your bike and pull upwards on the handlebars to check for play in the steering post. Tighten or replace bearings as required.
Make sure your tyres in good condition with plenty of tread, and are properly pumped up before the ride.
Flags and placards you use for this protest ride must be attached securely and not cause a potential hazard.
If your bike gets a puncture or other breakdown, advise the driver of the tail vehicle and they will get you assistance.
6. Placards, banners and body-paint messages
The ride is a light-hearted protest with a number of linked themes. Its objectives are to:
protest against the global dependency on oil
curb car culture
obtain real rights for cyclists
demonstrate the vulnerability of cyclists on city streets
celebrate body freedom
The messages you write on your placards, banners and on your body should be in connection with one of those objectives. You must not write anything rude or offensive or use profane or offensive language.
Some suggestions of appropriate messages are on THIS PAGE
7. Disclaimer
By partaking in this event, whether as a participant or crew member, you are deemed to have accepted and agreed to our disclaimer statement HERE